Fall Goings-On

Hi, and welcome to my little corner of the virtual world. Just a few short items today to get you caught up to date.

It’s been a busy time on the book front. A couple of weeks ago I was at Miramichi Horrorfest, which turned out to be a great time. Plenty of vendors, some amazing costumes, lots of cool stuff to see and do. I met a lot of new people, and had a chance to catch up with some old friends as well. Their next big event is MiraCon, a comic, cosplay, sci-fi and pop culture convention in May. I’ll share more info about that here as the event draws closer.

Last weekend I was off to the official launch of Monsters in the Fog, the latest release from Partridge Island Publishing. I was thrilled to be a part of this project and I had a blast, spending the day among my fellow contributors, both familiar and new. I was impressed with the turnout this small publishing house drew for their launch – I’ve attended book launches that drew good numbers, and some not so great, but nothing like this. Go check out their website for all available titles, or if you’re in the area, check out their store at Area 506.

Classes are underway once again! It’s been a long summer away from the (virtual) classroom, but we’re settling back in nicely. I’ll add the dates for the winter and spring sessions here soon. Side note: writing courses are an excellent holiday gift for the hard-to-shop-for person on your list!

That’s all for today. As always, thank you for taking the time to visit me here and read my blog posts. Please feel free to browse around and have a look at the rest of my site. To have updates and the latest news delivered directly to your inbox, pop on over to my contact page and subscribe. Remember, reviews are the writer’s life blood, rate and review the books you like – it means a lot to the authors out there. In case you missed it, here’s a short piece on this very topic.

Until next time, stay safe, talk soon!


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