Eclipse Day News

It’s Eclipse Day! Here in my part of the world we were in the path of totality, which was something I have apparently experienced once before. I wasn’t very old in 1979 when we had the last such occurrence, and I don’t remember a lot about it other than being confined to the classroom with curtains drawn. Or drapes, or whatever they had to cover the windows. Sheets of cardboard, probably. Either way, it was cool to be in the middle of it this time around. Much older, arguably wiser, and more able to appreciate the significance of it.

I wanted to take a few minutes just to touch base here, to let you know I’m still alive and kicking, and still happily offering classes in short story and horror writing. In fact, summer sessions of Writing Horror: The Dark Side (May 13th) and Crafting the Short Story (May 16th) are almost upon us. Due to a bit of unfortunate website activity, links to individual courses are not currently available. However, both can be found here. As an added bonus, there’s an earlybird special, so if you sign up now you get a reduced rate on either or both courses.

In other news, I recently sold my first short story in a while. I honestly haven’t written a lot of quality shorts recently, as I’ve been bogged down in other projects. But I do love writing them, and every once in a while I’ll go on a little spree and knock a few out. I can’t reveal any details just yet, other than to say it’s a publication I have some history with, and am thrilled to be a part of. More to come soon, I promise. Also, the convention and book show season is almost upon us, so here’s a little reminder for those in the area of one such event on my upcoming calendar:

This was a fun, well-organized and well-attended show last year, and I look forward to attending again this summer, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones, and talking shop with fellow book lovers.

Until next time, remember: book reviews are the lifeblood of authors, so please consider leaving a review for those you’ve read and liked. (Oh, and I have a post coming soon on that subject too, as it’s inexplicably become a hotbutton topic of late). For all the latest news and updates delivered right to your inbox, pop on over to my contact page and join my mailing list. Until next time, be safe, talk soon!


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