Horrorfest, and other news

My first post here in a while. First since April, it looks like. Well, let me sweep away the cobwebs and blow some of the dust off, and see what we’ve got to talk about today.

It’s been a slow time for me on the writing front. We actually had a summer this year, and I spent a fair bit of it away from the ol’ keyboard, or off the grid entirely. No excuse, I know. On a positive note, my first new work in a while will appear in an anthology coming this October. It’s a great project that I’m pleased to be a part of, but… I can’t say a lot more about it just yet. Building the suspense, and all that. I can tell you that, in keeping with my Canadian-themed stories, my contribution to the anthology is set right here in the Maritimes, in Truro, Nova Scotia, to be precise. I’ll have more to say about that in the coming weeks.

I’ll have more updates soon, including news about the fall sessions of Crafting the Short Story and Writing Horror: The Dark Side, and my thoughts on AI and bogus book awards. For now, thanks to all who visit this space, whether regularly or (like me, lately) sporadically. I appreciate you taking the time to come and see what’s going on, even during the slower times when there isn’t a lot of new content to see.