Seventeen Skulls Virtual Book Tour, Day 27

Just a quick post today, with no tour stops until Monday and a couple of needed days off to recharge for the final push. Seventeen Skulls is still forging ahead and holding strong, and there’s actually been a bit of an uptick in interest in Terror in High Water, too.

In other news, Crafting the Short Story and Writing Horror: The Dark Side are both set to kick off for the fall semester. Hope to see some of you there.

The Nixies of McGillivray Lake, the debut novel from Sheryl Doiron-Powers, is available on Amazon and many other quality outlets. It’s also up on Booksprout, for any of you who have a membership and might be interested in checking out a high quality YA dark fantasy novel. As an aside, Seventeen Skulls is available there as well.

Enjoy your Saturday, thanks for dropping by to visit . It’s appreciated as always. Don’t forget to head on over to my contact page and subscribe to have these posts sent directly to your inbox. Until next time, stay safe, talk soon!


Seventeen Skulls Virtual Book Tour, Day 15

I have returned – more or less unscathed – from the wilds to bring another update, and not a moment too soon! It’s down to the wire, but we’ve managed to keep the streak alive at fifteen days of non-stop touring.

Today we visit The Scratching Post, where we find a lovely section on Seventeen Skulls and a note that the giveaway counter has topped 1,800. I should point out, by the way, that this giveaway includes an Amazon gift card and an ebook version of my first novel, Terror in High Water. My thanks to our gracious and hospitable host for the day.

We had a second tour stop scheduled for today, but based on my experience with their website it appears they may be experiencing some technical difficulties. Hopefully we can reconnect with them later in the tour.

As always, a hearty thank you to everyone who takes the time to follow along here, to those who pop in from time to time to keep up to date, and for those who discover us along the way. I always enjoy seeing both new and familiar faces around here and on my other social media platforms. Your support and interest are greatly appreciated. Please feel free to pop over to my contact page and subscribe for news and updates delivered directly to your inbox in a most timely fashion.

That’s all for today, but tomorrow we’re right back here with more book tour action and another stop as we dive headlong into the back half of this awesome journey. Until next time, stay safe, talk soon!


Buy a Book, Leave a Review

It’s been a week since Terror in High Water hit the market, and the buzz is growing slowly but steadily as word gets around. The idea that my book is out there being read by friends and strangers alike is amazingly cool. I’d love to hear what everyone thinks about it. An inexpensive and effective way to do that is to write a review.

Reviews sell books, there’s no doubt about it. Word of mouth is, far and away, the best advertising a book can receive. It doesn’t cost anything, only takes a few minutes, and goes a long way toward exposing good books to potential readers. Here are a couple of readers’ comments:

“…takes the reader on a dusty ride that shows you the path to redemption can be something you would never expect in such vivid colours of suspense and conflict.”


“As the reader is taken on the suspenseful journey you can picture the town, its citizens and the anxiety.”

If you’ve read Terror in High Water and enjoyed the journey, it would be wonderful if you could pop over to Amazon (or Smashwords, or wherever you purchased your copy) and leave a nice review. Let others know it’s worth stepping into 19th century Texas for a glimpse at that little town of High Water. I would certainly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!


The Day After

I woke up this morning to my social media feeds letting me know that a ton of people wanted to wish me a happy birthday. It’s always a pleasant surprise, and I appreciate it very much. Thank you.

This year it’s an extra special celebration, as it comes just one day after the release of my first novel. I know I’ve spoken a lot about this in the last little while, and I’m doing my best not to overload you. I just have a few new points to make this morning and then I’ll leave you in peace for the day.

As of last night there is now a dedicated page to High Water, where I’ll add related cool things such as videos and reviews. Feel free to take a look, it’ll be updated periodically.

You can get posts and updates emailed directly to you by adding your email address here.

In addition to Amazon – where it’s doing rather nicely, I might add – my novel is also available directly from World Castle’s ebook store. You can find all of the World Castle titles here, often at lower prices than other platforms.

I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge FNAC which, for those who don’t know, is a retailer based in France that happens to sell books, including mine.

By far the best advertising is happy readers. There’s no substitute for a personal endorsement, whether through word of mouth, Amazon reviews, or just telling others you think would enjoy something you’ve read. If you’ve read and enjoyed Terror in High Water, thank you. Please consider giving it a nice review. Or tell a friend. Or both.



High Water

Welcome to High Water, Texas. Here in the 1830s, it’s a tiny hub for cattle ranchers in the middle of the vast, arid south Texas landscape. Things are usually pretty quiet in High Water. But not today.

Today, there’s a new sheriff in town. He’s known as The Man. He’s brought some of his friends with him. And things are about to get very interesting.

Introducing my novel, Terror in High Water. The reviews are already starting to creep in. Here’s a very nice one from JJ Carrier:

Terror In High Water is not your grandfather’s Louis L’Amour western, but a chilling 1830s period tale of a living hell, derived from the creative mind of acclaimed horror author Joe Powers. He takes a fresh look at the genre so prevalent, and popular, in the industry in 2019 in this page-turner and takes the reader on a dusty ride that shows you the path to redemption can be something you would never expect in such vivid colours of suspense and conflict. The book will remind the reader of such previous classics as DC’s Jonah Hex and Clint Eastwood’s High Plains Drifter, but it spins that familiar scenario on its head via the various twists he puts his characters, and the reader, through. But be warned, as you delve deeper in the novel you may have to go back to it time and time again once you finish it to remind yourself that if you believe in legends on both sides of the coin of good and evil, and hate and love, this tome might prove it 10 times over.

Terror in High Water is available in paperback and kindle on several platforms, including Amazon , with more to come.


New Territory

It’s a delicate balance, this writing thing.

Writing is, pretty generally, an intimate thing; a solitary act of creation the artist agonizes over for days, weeks, months, or even longer. All to create something (hopefully) amazing, which they must then reveal to the world. This is where it gets interesting. The writer emerges from their den, blinking at the sudden brightness, and approaches the world holding their new creation aloft.

All of this to say it’s been a busy couple of weeks, and a lot of you have probably noticed my increased social media presence. One of the ways I do that is by posting more frequent updates here, a process that makes me slightly uncomfortable. “People have already heard all of this before,” I say. “How many times do they want to hear about this stuff before they just tune out?” Keep it fresh by talking about new stuff, I answer myself. Fair enough.

So with Terror in High Water‘s release just over a week away I’ve been doing my best to get the word out. Pre-orders can be made through Amazon, but just today I also discovered that it’s available on Smashwords and, to my surprise, FNAC.

What the heck is FNAC? you may ask. Fair question. I asked that very thing myself earlier. Turns out, FNAC stands for Federation Nationale d’Achats des Cadres, and is a retail chain, a sort of Amazon-like thing founded and based in France. So having learned that I thought to myself, well, that’s pretty damn cool. And it is.

So that’s just a quick update on some cool new stuff in the days leading up to the official release. As always, thanks for reading and following along. If you want these updates sent right to your inbox, enter your email address and click the “follow” button.

Until next time!


Countdown to Terror

The countdown continues…

Two weeks until release day.

My novel, Terror in High Water, is available September 23rd.

From the back cover:

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“The Man is comin’, Sheriff…bringin’ the hounds of Hell with him…”

On a hot morning In 1830s Texas, a cattle rancher limps into the tiny, isolated town of High Water. He’s battered, bloody, and near death but insists on speaking to the sheriff. “The Man is coming,” he warns, “and he’s taking over this town.” The townspeople fearfully brace for the newcomer’s arrival.

The Man arrives with his gang of Hell Hounds in tow, brutally kills the sheriff, and declares the town his. Thus begins the reign of terror by the sinister band who, as the people soon discover, are more than meets the eye. The residents of High Water are terrorized, threatened, and forced to pay tribute to their cruel oppressors with violent repercussions for any who dare to resist.

But there is hope.

A story begins to circulate, in hushed whispers, behind closed doors. The legend of a renowned gunslinger and monster hunter who walks the earth, his sole purpose to seek and destroy the minions of hell. The people are held in the grip of terror, fearful of the consequences should they take a stand. But one young man will risk everything to escape The Man’s clutches, to locate the Legend and bring him back to banish the evil from High Water.

Is the legend real? Does the gunslinger still live? Can one man defeat the overwhelming odds and destroy the great evil that grips High Water?

Do legends ever die?

Now available on Amazon for pre-order for Kindle and paperback.


Terror in High Water

The Man is coming.

At long last, the time has arrived.

There have been whispers and rumblings for a while, but the time is finally upon us.

Introducing my novel, Terror in High Water, which releases on September 23rd. Here’s the world’s first look at the cover:

Terror in High Water 453x680

Brought to life by the folks at World Castle Publishing, Terror in High Water brings the western and horror genres together in terrifying fashion.

While the official release date isn’t until September 23 – three weeks from today! – it will be available for pre-order very soon, as early as tomorrow.

Stay tuned to this space for updates and teasers. In the meantime, spread the word… and be afraid!

– JP